Salt Spring Island is the reason you’re coming here. You may want to spend more time inside, well because we offer some pretty amazing space to relax in. However, we’re going to encourage you to experience the G.O.D. – the Great Out Doors. Salt Spring’s nature and wonder is why we live here.
Trek to the top of Mount Maxwell, go find some fairy doors with your favorite child, jump off a dock into one of a dozen lakes, eat wonderful cuisine, listen to local musicians rock out. Wonder, as you get a glimpse of homes nestled under forest canopies. Where is Robert Bateman is painting right now? Can I find a massive quartz crystal hidden on Mt Tuam? Is there a salty Spring? Can I drink it or at least swim in it? What’s the best farm stand? Home-baked goodies?? Who is the craziest hippie on the island? Can I bike across the Salt Spring in one day? Is yoga different here than the city? How can I move here and build my dream house?
You’ll find answers, and still more questions during your stay with us. Most of all, come to Salt Spring and experience the sigh our bodies give, when an island moment blows away the mind’s cares and worries.